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What Can Eidl Loan Be Used For

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EIDL Loan: What Can You Use it For?

Essentially, you’ll get a bigger PPP loan and use part of it to pay off your outstanding EIDL. If the EIDL was not used for payroll costs, it doesn‘t have any impact on your PPP loan. … Plus the outstanding amount of any EIDL loan made between January 31, 2020, and April 3, 2020. Minus any EIDL advance you received.

Can I Use Sba Eidl Loan To Pay Off Debt

Everyone knows how great SBA loans, with their easy payback system, but if your business has been affected by the pandemic, as so many businesses have, is the EIDL loan going to help you to send any moneys owed to your debtors?Just like with personal credit, your business, if its to survive these tough times, needs to be seen as being able to pay back its debtors. Because without them many business owners simply wouldnt have a business.

The EIDL loan was put in place to aid businesses that struggle under the Covid-19 pandemic economic conditions. And its safe to say that whole industries suffered as a result. Many business owners felt it was time to give up and move on. But for some businesses the EIDL has proved to be a lifeline.In this article, were going to explore what an EIDL loan can be spent on, whether it can be used to pay off debt, and what it cant be spent on. Then were going to follow that up with a few FAQs on the subject.

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2022. 1. 21. ·Four EIDL Grant Alternatives for 2022. The SBAs Economic Injury Disaster Loan and Targeted Advance program for the Covid-19 pandemic has officially ended. The SBA will continue to process applications that were submitted by December 31, 2021, but is no longer accepting new applications. If you missed out on the opportunity or were. Jan 04, 2022·SBA EIDL Deadline 12/31: What it Means for Businesses in 2022 The SBA deadline to submit a new economic injury disaster loan application has. SBA Told to Use Money Available to Fund EIDL Loans. … As of the end of January 2022, estimates reported that 87% of that money had been obligated. Of the 87% obligated, 76% had been spent (estimates range from $3.7 trillion to $4 trillion. Where Is the Rest of the Covid-19 Money?.

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Whats Best Practice For Tracking The Use Of Idaho Eidl Funds

The easiest way to track how your Idaho EIDL funds are being used is to keep them in a separate bank account. For SBA review, you can provide bank statements showing the entire transaction history related to your EIDL funds.

While you arent required to submit documents automatically, you should keep careful records of how you spend Idaho EIDL proceeds in case the SBA or another governmental agency requests it in the future. In the same way that there have been audits and inspections of past disasters, some of these loans will also be scrutinized.

It is not necessary to use a certain Idaho business account to spend money. Just keep track of all eligible expenditures that you can attribute to the EIDL. While you are in possession of the loan, if prompted by the SBA, it is up to you to self-report what business activities you used the funds for.

What Cant The Sba Covid Eidl Loan Be Spent On

How to Use the PPP and EIDL Together

As is their right, the SBA can stipulate things that the proceeds cannot be spent onYou cannot use the funds to expand your business. You cannot use the funds to start a new business. And you cannot use it to make prepayments on debt owned by a federal agency or an SBIC.And sure it does suck that you dont get to expand your business or start a new one with the money. But you have to admit that going for an EIDL loan can greatly improve your business chances, even if it is just to keep things ticking over until you can start afresh. Or to help with your business credit score if the business was struggling in that respect.And Ill bet that youre already forming a list in your head about who you can pay off.Now well tackle some more of your most frequently asked questions.

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Can I Use Eidl To Pay Off Credit Card Debt

While EIDL funds can be used to cover loan and credit card payments, borrowers may not pay the entire amount of their credit card or loan debt with EIDL funds. The SBA considers that to be refinancing, which is not an approved use of EIDL funds. Additionally, EIDL funds cannot be used to pay: Federal loan repayment.

How Bench Can Help

Businesses that received an EIDL loan need to file financial statements to the SBA within 3 months of the end of their fiscal year. With Bench, you get up-to-date financial statements completed and reviewed by an expert bookkeeper every month. Weâll help you meet the reporting requirements for the EIDL and even help you file your taxes. Learn more.

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Can I Use Eidl Funds To Pay Off Debt

It depends. You can use EIDL funds to pay off regular fixed payments, such as your business credit cards. The SBA does prohibit you from paying off specific types of debt, though. This includes repaying direct federal debt , as well as paying down or paying off loans owned or issued by federal agencies.

Can Eidl Be Used To Buy A Vehicle Or Home

What can I use the EIDL loan for?

One Uber driver who says they were approved for a $45,000 EIDL wants to know if its OK to use that money to buy a home. Another wrote:

I am an Uber driver and received a $41,000 EIDL loan as an independent contractor. Can I use EIDL to buy a vehicle for driving Uber because it is my only source of income for the last 3 years?

First, buying a home clearly falls outside the intended uses of EIDL. It appears that buying a vehicle does as well, even if it is a business purchase. Remember that ineligible uses of EIDL proceeds include acquisition of fixed assets and fixed assets usually include vehicles.

Verdict: Not likely

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The Eidl Loan Program

By Krystle Dalke

To view and download this Alert as a pdf, click here.

We recently published an alert discussing the Paycheck Protection Program provided in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security or CARES Act. Additionally, businesses and private non-profit organizations can also apply for loans and emergency grants under the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program . The EIDL Program is another useful resource for businesses and nonprofit organizations to obtain additional funds in lieu of and/or on top of Paycheck Protection Loans . Like Section 7 small business loans under the Small Business Act , the EIDL Program is a preexisting program under the SBA that the CARES Act has expanded and/or temporarily modified due to COVID-19.

Purpose. What is the purpose of an EIDL loan?

An EIDL loan is a working capital loan that eligible entities and organizations can use to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid absent the disaster. Eligible entities may only use the loan proceeds for working capital necessary to carry their business until resumption of normal operations and for expenditures necessary to alleviate the specific economic injury, but not to exceed that which the business could have provided had the injury not occurred. In other words, you may not use EIDL funds to grow your business.

Impermissible Costs. Are there any costs or expenses that I cannot use EIDL funds to pay?

Below is a list of eligible entities:

What Are The New Rules For Ppp Loan Forgiveness

The 60/40 split is still in effect: To receive maximum loan forgiveness, borrowers must spend at least 60% of their loan on eligible payroll costs, and no more than 40% on eligible non-payroll costs. SBA wrote in an interim final rule: At least 60% of the PPP loan proceeds shall be used for payroll costs.

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How Eidl Cant Be Used

There are some ways that you clearly cannot use disaster loan proceeds and these are included under the section that includes ineligible use of proceeds:

EIDL proceeds may not be used for:

  • Payment of any dividends or bonuses
  • Disbursements to owners, partners, officers, directors, or stockholders, except when directly related to performance of services for the benefit of the applicant
  • Repayment of stockholder/principal loans, except when the funds were injected on an interim basis as a result of the disaster and non-repayment would cause undue hardship to the stockholder/principal
  • Expansion of facilities or acquisition of fixed assets
  • Repair or replacement of physical damages
  • Refinancing long term debt
  • Paying down or paying off loans provided, or owned by another Federal agency or a Small Business Investment Company licensed under the Small Business Investment Act. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is not considered a Federal agency for this purpose
  • Payment of any part of a direct Federal debt, except IRS obligations.
  • Pay any penalty resulting from noncompliance with a law, regulation or order of a Federal, state, regional, or local agency.
  • Contractor malfeasance and
  • With that background in mind, lets explore specific questions weve received around the use of EIDL funds.

    Does Your New Jersey Business Need An Increase Or Loan Modification To Your Existing Sba Eidl Loan

    Should I Apply for an EIDL Loan?

    Did you already receive a New Jersey SBA EIDL loan for your New Jersey business?

    We can assist your business in requesting additional SBA EIDL loan funds through the increase request and loan modification process in New Jersey.

    Schedule Your Free Disaster Loan Consultation to see if we may be able to help your business with the SBA Increase Request Process in New Jersey.

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    What Is The Deadline To File And Be Approved For The Program

    The program ends December 31, 2021 or when funds are exhausted, whichever occurs sooner. Be sure to file your application as soon as possible to allow processing time for approval.

    The SBA announced major enhancements to the COVID Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. Join the SBA’s Illinois District Office to learn about the changes to COVID EIDL and how your business can benefit from the program.

    What Does Eidl Stand For

    Economic Injury Disaster LoanIf youve been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, learn more about a COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan . If you have suffered substantial economic injury and are one of the following types of businesses located in a declared disaster area, you may be eligible for an SBA EIDL: Small business.

    What is Eidl insurance?

    Economic Injury Disaster Loans The law limits EIDL to $2,000,000 for alleviating economic injury. caused by the disaster. The actual amount of each loan is limited to the economic injury determined by SBA, less business interruption insurance and other recoveries up to the administrative lending limit.

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    Loans Cannot Be Used For Physical Improvements To Your Business

    There are strict guidelines about what you can and cannot use EIDL loans for. And because the SBA requires you to save the receipts of any purchases made with EIDL loan monies, you must track these purchases properly.

    What you can spend EIDL funds on:

    Whatever monies you do spend, remember to save those receipts!

    What Cant I Spend My Eidl On

    What can I use my EIDL loan for 2021

    While the most flexible of the relief programs, there are some important restrictions to keep in mind. When you signed your loan agreement, you certified that EIDL funds would not be used for any of the following:

    • Dividends and bonuses
    • Disbursements to owners , except when directly related to performance of services
    • Repair or replacement of physical damages

    Note: While previous restrictions did not allow EIDL funds to be used for expansion of facilities or acquisition of fixed assets or repayment of stockholder/principal loans, SBA guidelines changed in September 2021 to allow for these uses.

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    Second Round Of Federal Funding

    Congress Approved a second round of funding for Paycheck Protections Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan . SBA is working on reopening the applications. We encourage you to prepare your application in anticipation of the reopening date.

    Paycheck Protection Program loans have already provided Colorados small businesses, nonprofits and independent contractors over $7B of payroll loans through its initial round of funds. EIDL recipients throughout the state have also secured critical low interest loans from the SBA. The second round of funding enables more Colorado PPP and EIDL applications to move forward.

    The additional $320B appropriation for PPP includes specific allocations for small financial institutions and community credit unions while also providing funds for minority owned businesses. These forgivable loans will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis and Colorado businesses are encouraged to apply promptly.

    The additional $60B appropriation for EIDL also allows Colorado businesses to resume seeking low-interest recovery loans from the SBA.

    Statewide, this program stands to benefit more than 600,000 businesses, nonprofits and gig workers so we encourage eligible program participants to seek these payroll loans at your local lending institutions.

    Consider these next steps when applying for the Paycheck Protection Program:

    Consider these next steps when applying for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan:

    Other Steps:

    How Do I Apply For An Eidl Loan

    You can apply for an EIDL loan online through the SBAs website. The application process is relatively simple and straightforward. Youll need to provide some basic information about your business, such as your contact information, business history, and financial needs. Once youve submitted your application, a representative from the SBA will contact you to discuss next steps.

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    Collateral Is Required For Loans Over $25000

    If you obtain an EIDL loan for more than $25,000, you will need to pledge business collateral to guarantee the loan. Collateral can include assets such as inventory and equipment as well as intangible assets such as trademarks and copyrights.

    Its also important to understand that if you do pledge collateral, youre placing a lot of temporary restrictions on your business including the stipulation that while your loan is still outstanding, you cannot sell, lease, or transfer any collateral that was used as a loan guarantee without the approval of the SBA.

    Terms For Covid Eidl Loans

    How To Use Your EIDL Funding
    • The loan cap is $2 million. The SBA will begin reviewing loan applications immediately for those loans under $500,000 and will review loans greater than $500,000 starting October 8, 2021.
    • The loan term is 30-years.
    • Interest rates vary with the type of business structure, and DEMAs members fall into either for-profit or non-profit status.The COVID EIDL interest rate for for-profit businesses will be 3.75% annually, and for non-profit businesses, the interest rate will be 2.75% annually.

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    What Is The Process For And Turnaround Time From Loan Application To Receiving The Funds

    This type of disaster is unprecedented, so no one can predict for sure. However, historically, disaster loans have taken approximately three weeks from time of application until completion of loan officer assessment, submission of any additionally required documentation, and final loan approval. The SBA anticipates the money will be distributed 3 days after that three-week loan officer review and approval period.Loan process:

    Does Sba Require Life Insurance

    The life insurance requirement. Most SBA loans require borrowers to have life insurance before the loan is finalized. The need for life insurance can often slow down the SBA loan process.

    What insurance is needed for SBA disaster loan?

    Insurance Requirements: SBA requires that flood insurance coverage be the lesser of 1) the total of the disaster loan, 2) the insurable value of the property, or 3) the maximum insurance available.

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    What Are The Most Common Reasons For Decline

    • Unsatisfactory credit history – Credit score does not meet minimum credit score requirement.
    • Unverifiable information – During the review process there were one or more items that were reviewed that caused the SBA to question the validity of certain information in the application. This can occur as a result of a failed identity verification, international IP address, client device associated with fraud, or high-risk IP address.
    • Business activity not eligible – The information you submitted with your application does not meet SBA regulations for an eligible business activity.
    • Failure to respond – If you do not respond to the request for additional information within 7 days, the application will be withdrawn with a status of borrower did not wish to proceed.

    You can contact SBA by phone at 800-659-2955 or by email at [email protected] to request reconsideration or to reactivate your COVID EIDL application.

    New Jersey Eidl Loan Approval Process

    How To Pay The SBA EIDL Loan Online With Automatic Recurring Payments

    New Jersey has approved 130,263 EIDL applications totaling $12,334,951,789 in SBA EIDL loans.

    The U.S. Small Business Administrations Economic Injury Disaster Loan program is a federal small business loan program that financially supports New Jersey small businesses economic injury recovery from a natural disaster or from the COVID-19 disaster affecting New Jersey businesses.

    Learn more about the New Jersey EIDL Loan Approval Process. You can still apply for the New Jersey ERC tax credit, even if you received an EIDL loan.

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